Dec 16, 2010

Jesus - The Scar

The latin word 'c a r n e' means flesh or meat. When learning that the word 'incarn' used to be understood to be the flesh that grows over a wound, this gave more meaning to the Christian doctrine of the incarnation - the idea that God became flesh. Not only did he become a person, but he is the healing flesh, the skin over the wound - a scar. Malachi 4:2 said that "the sun of righteousness would come with healing in its wings." The one to come would be a healer. And he did come, John 1:14 says the word became flesh. Combined with Malachi we can understand that He came as healing flesh - for the wounds of sin.

What is a scar? Is it the mark of wound, or is it the mark of healing? Amazingly, a scar is one bit of flesh that represents both a wound and a healing. The Bible suggests that Jesus in the flesh is the one man who deals with both our wound and our healing. Isaiah said it best, "by his wounds we are healed." One man Jesus; became flesh. A Scar - where both wound and healing are met. He takes our wound, he gives his healing.

The Incarnation. Christmas.